Welcome to the Season of Advent. Yes the church has its own seasons and calendar. The Church Year begins with the First Sunday in Advent and ends with the Last Sunday of the Church Year. This year, Advent begins on Sunday Dec. 3rd and will end Christmas Eve.
Advent means, the “Coming” or “Arrival.” The Season of Advent primarily celebrates the two “comings” of the Christ. The first two weeks of Advent focus our attention on the promise of Jesus Christ to return on the Last Day, as King of kings to judge the living and the dead; and to usher in the new heaven and earth. As Christmas day approaches, Advent shifts it’s attention to the first coming of God’s Son in the flesh, as the Babe of Bethlehem, to be born of the Virgin Mary and to make atonement for the sins of the world.
In Lutheran churches, it is common to hear sermons that also point our attention to “third coming of Christ,” which happens in the here and now. In this third coming Jesus comes to us in the Word and Sacrament ministry of the church. The purpose of Advent is to call Christians to repent and to prepare for the threefold coming of Christ.
In addition to the regular service of Sunday morning (9:00 am), during Advent Immanuel holds a Wednesday evening potluck dinner at 6:00 pm and hosts an Advent Service of Evening Prayer (7:00 pm). Please consider joining us for these Advent Services, as well as our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (7:00 pm).

The Season of Advent